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Nigat Studio ንጋት ስቱዲዮ is the ultimate next generation Ethiopian Music, and Films Producer and the Largest distributer, a global leader in the Ethiopian film and music industry.
ለyoutube ቻናሌ ቤተሰብ ካልሆናችሁ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWUHBbIKUTxH7M9x5gaJQwA?sub_confirmation=1 subscribe ይህ video ከተመቻችሁ Like እንድሁም ይህ video ለሌሎች ይጠቅማል ብላችሁ ካሰባችሁ share ሰብስክራይብ ያድርጉ እንዲሁም የደውል ምልክቱን ይጫኑ።
#Ethiopia #Rakeb #ዩቱብ #ሰብስክራይበር
“Hello, this is Ethiopian Films Company. Tomorrow is a better day than today. And good day & night everyone!”

♥ Mission:

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